Wednesday, January 30, 2013

This Missionary's Purpose

Imagine opening your eyes first thing in the morning. The first thing you see is a pile of concrete and re-bar, a constant reminder of your current living conditions. The air is already thick with dust and humidity and you have no clean water to bathe with. Your belly is achy with hunger and you are unsure of what you will find that will begin to ease the pain. You'd go to work if there was a guarantee that you'd get paid. Last September, I had the opportunity to meet people that live like this everyday. Unlike me, they have no way to leave it all behind. The children want to go to school when they can find one. They know this is the difference between the struggles they currently experience and a future that's bright with opportunity. We assisted in the beginnings of a new school in Momance, Haiti. This June, we plan on going back! The school isn't all that we take part in. During our last visit, we worked with two orphanages and offered the services of our mobile medical clinic to three different villages. We hope to plant the seeds of education, good health, and happy relationships which will lead to strong communities and, eventually, a healthier country. We can't do it on our own. Your donations will help send 15 missionaries to Haiti to do it all over again! We do this gladly with open hearts and open minds. Please check my updates often to find more information and browse through the gallery too! Thank you for your time! God bless!! 
~ Genia

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