Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Countdown To Takeoff!

Time has, and continues, to tick away! This Saturday, our first team will arrive in Haiti! The following Saturday, is team two's turn. I'm on team two! We are all feverishly checking (and rechecking) our lists and supplies. We are counting our blessings and saying our prayers. We are hugging our loved ones and taking in their strength. No, we are not going into war but we will have our battles with reality and humanity, our spirituality and our faith, as well as extreme warm weather and challenging terrain. We will return tired and sore, yearning for our own beds and warm showers. Upon our return, we will take solace in the arms of our families, church families, and friends, more than anything!

For several weeks I have received an amazing outpouring of love and support. I cannot tell you how incredibly powerful your prayers, kind words, and encouragement have helped to build me up! Any experienced storyteller can describe the people, places, and situations we experience on these trips but until you have felt it, lived it, and spent your energy enduring it, the journey will never be fully understood. And because of that, you need the armor of God, as re-enforced for you by those loved ones that surround you. I can honestly say that I am ready to go! My supporters and the supporters of our group, have given us all the love we need, and then some!! Although,  I certainly won't turn down any more!

I  am unsure of whether or not I will post another update before I leave. If I can, and I have the ability to form even simple words, I will. There is still so much to do and so little time to do it. Thank you for all the support you have shown!! If you would like to learn a bit more about our church and the many missions we have in this trip, you may listen to our online sermon from this past Sunday, June 9th, by visiting the Hamilton Mill Presbyterian Church website and clicking on "Listen Online".

~ Genia

Hamilton Mill Presbyterian Church

5152 Braselton Hwy
Hoschton, GA 30548

Thursday, June 6, 2013

God-sized Expectations

Take a moment and make a list of all the times you have felt God working in your life. You know, those moments when you truly felt that you had a purpose in this world, you were fully connected, and that you were in His spotlight. Got it? Good! Now look over your list. How many of those moments were presented with grandeur? How many of them presented themselves to you in quiet, humble ways? While neither of these is a bad thing, our society tends to shift our focus to the flashiest of these moments, the moments we feel as though the seconds that follow should be filled with fireworks and confetti canons! Thus, we are trained for higher expectations in our experiences. How does this help our relationship with God?

No matter what season of life you find yourself in, or how strong you are in your faith, we all seek to experience those "God moments". Yet, we often feel as though we have been forgotten, left out, or that we are not good enough as Christians when we don't experience God as expected. In a few words, we feel disappointment. I have felt all of these crushing blows to my being, throughout my journey in this life. I participated in a women's small group and often felt guilty for not feeling as strongly as the other women. Right after I returned from Haiti, last year, I was some-what disappointed that I hadn't experienced a spiritual epiphany. While I wasn't upset with either experience, I was upset with myself. What was so wrong with me that God wasn't interested in having a deeper relationship with me? Heartbroken and confused, I took quiet moments and prayed and reflected on what I had been doing.
One day, with photos in hand, everything was suddenly clear! The smiles on the faces of those I helped were there because of me. While it wasn't about me, it wouldn't have happened without me in Haiti! The friends I made in that small group have been wonderful additions to my life, even if I can't remember exactly what our group was about! The important part of those experiences was that I was involved and available to God, no matter what he had planned. I now try to keep these three things in mind when I think about experiencing my own "God moments":
  • God is always with me!
  • HE will determine the best way for me to experience Him!
  • Keeping an open mind means being willing to adapt and understand that sometimes He may use me to bring a "God moment" to someone else.
I pray that this post reaches you as you prepare to put yourself into position for your own "God moment". Whether you're about to embark on a Youth retreat or mission trip, attend a new church for the first time, start a new small group, or finally reach out to that neighbor that you never speak to, please try to keep this post in the back of your mind. You never know how He will speak to you when you change your expectations. God bless you and thank you for reading!!

~ Genia  

Ways to give:

Mail check and/or words of positivity to:

Hamilton Mill Presbyterian Church
C/O: Haiti Fund - Genia Davis
5152 Braselton Hwy
Hoschton, GA 30548 


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