Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Countdown To Takeoff!

Time has, and continues, to tick away! This Saturday, our first team will arrive in Haiti! The following Saturday, is team two's turn. I'm on team two! We are all feverishly checking (and rechecking) our lists and supplies. We are counting our blessings and saying our prayers. We are hugging our loved ones and taking in their strength. No, we are not going into war but we will have our battles with reality and humanity, our spirituality and our faith, as well as extreme warm weather and challenging terrain. We will return tired and sore, yearning for our own beds and warm showers. Upon our return, we will take solace in the arms of our families, church families, and friends, more than anything!

For several weeks I have received an amazing outpouring of love and support. I cannot tell you how incredibly powerful your prayers, kind words, and encouragement have helped to build me up! Any experienced storyteller can describe the people, places, and situations we experience on these trips but until you have felt it, lived it, and spent your energy enduring it, the journey will never be fully understood. And because of that, you need the armor of God, as re-enforced for you by those loved ones that surround you. I can honestly say that I am ready to go! My supporters and the supporters of our group, have given us all the love we need, and then some!! Although,  I certainly won't turn down any more!

I  am unsure of whether or not I will post another update before I leave. If I can, and I have the ability to form even simple words, I will. There is still so much to do and so little time to do it. Thank you for all the support you have shown!! If you would like to learn a bit more about our church and the many missions we have in this trip, you may listen to our online sermon from this past Sunday, June 9th, by visiting the Hamilton Mill Presbyterian Church website and clicking on "Listen Online".

~ Genia

Hamilton Mill Presbyterian Church

5152 Braselton Hwy
Hoschton, GA 30548

Thursday, June 6, 2013

God-sized Expectations

Take a moment and make a list of all the times you have felt God working in your life. You know, those moments when you truly felt that you had a purpose in this world, you were fully connected, and that you were in His spotlight. Got it? Good! Now look over your list. How many of those moments were presented with grandeur? How many of them presented themselves to you in quiet, humble ways? While neither of these is a bad thing, our society tends to shift our focus to the flashiest of these moments, the moments we feel as though the seconds that follow should be filled with fireworks and confetti canons! Thus, we are trained for higher expectations in our experiences. How does this help our relationship with God?

No matter what season of life you find yourself in, or how strong you are in your faith, we all seek to experience those "God moments". Yet, we often feel as though we have been forgotten, left out, or that we are not good enough as Christians when we don't experience God as expected. In a few words, we feel disappointment. I have felt all of these crushing blows to my being, throughout my journey in this life. I participated in a women's small group and often felt guilty for not feeling as strongly as the other women. Right after I returned from Haiti, last year, I was some-what disappointed that I hadn't experienced a spiritual epiphany. While I wasn't upset with either experience, I was upset with myself. What was so wrong with me that God wasn't interested in having a deeper relationship with me? Heartbroken and confused, I took quiet moments and prayed and reflected on what I had been doing.
One day, with photos in hand, everything was suddenly clear! The smiles on the faces of those I helped were there because of me. While it wasn't about me, it wouldn't have happened without me in Haiti! The friends I made in that small group have been wonderful additions to my life, even if I can't remember exactly what our group was about! The important part of those experiences was that I was involved and available to God, no matter what he had planned. I now try to keep these three things in mind when I think about experiencing my own "God moments":
  • God is always with me!
  • HE will determine the best way for me to experience Him!
  • Keeping an open mind means being willing to adapt and understand that sometimes He may use me to bring a "God moment" to someone else.
I pray that this post reaches you as you prepare to put yourself into position for your own "God moment". Whether you're about to embark on a Youth retreat or mission trip, attend a new church for the first time, start a new small group, or finally reach out to that neighbor that you never speak to, please try to keep this post in the back of your mind. You never know how He will speak to you when you change your expectations. God bless you and thank you for reading!!

~ Genia  

Ways to give:

Mail check and/or words of positivity to:

Hamilton Mill Presbyterian Church
C/O: Haiti Fund - Genia Davis
5152 Braselton Hwy
Hoschton, GA 30548 


See the PayPal Giving Widget to the right! Your personal information is safe and secure. You can even donate anonymously!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Temporarily Suspended

Hello! This will be a short post, as I only want to inform everyone that it will be some time before my next post. My modem has burnt out and my ISP only allows me to use certain modems with their service. Of course, they are difficult to find and expensive. God willing, we will have a new modem next week. Please don't count me out! I'm just temporarily suspended. I have too much to share to write from my phone, but I promise to make it good when I can dedicate my resources! Thank you so much for your love and support!

Monday, May 20, 2013

On A Roll!

Coming to you from a Starbucks Cafe, it's another Heart For Haiti update! Okay, it's a bit overdue, again! This time, my modem has burnt out and funds are a bit short. (Hence the reason I am writing this while in a Starbucks!) I can't complain though. While we may not have everything we want, the good Lord has provided us with everything we need!!

Yesterday, we had a fabulous Haiti Team meeting! It was the first time all of the members were together. We have members coming from states away to fill the call that God has placed in them! We are so blessed to have so many members with awesome medical experience! With their knowledge and the overwhelming love and support carried throughout the team, this trip will carry an impact beyond measure! It was exhilarating to see everyone together and hear the plans that have been made for us.

Our plans include kicking off our trip with a visit to our favorite orphanage, Operation Love the Children of Haiti! You may recall that we visited them last time and that we were overwhelmed by the amazing love that Mrs. Jasmine has for those children!  The rest of our week will be spent conducting three mobile clinics in three different areas! We will be in Momance, Nanon, and Ti Harpon. For the first time, we will be conducting a mini-VBS! My good friend Peggy and I have been working on this project together and we are so excited. Let me tell you, I wouldn't do half of the things I'm about to do in Haiti, in front of others here in the US! I mean, making animal sounds and acting like "The Boss"... okay, maybe acting like "The Boss" but the animal sounds are a different thing all together! We really want to get the children excited about God and I think we will achieve this! We will have the opportunity to oversee the current construction going on for the school in Momance as well! On our Fridays, we will have the opportunity to provide another VBS or half day clinic, at a location selected by Children's Nutritional Program of Haiti!

All of these activities take time, energy, emotional, spiritual, and financial support. Donations received for this cause are tax deductible. As an added bonus, I am holding in my hand a $25 gift card good at Chili's, Romano's Macaroni Grill, Maggiano's, or On The Border restaurants. Every donation received for $10 or more will enter you into the drawing for this card! Simply hold onto your receipt because your receipt number will be your ticket to win it!

There is so much going on and the excitement is mounting! I looked around the room at my fellow Mission Mates and was filled with so much hope, joy, and excitement that I could hardly contain it! The Lord will be doing great things through us and so much of it is because of our fabulous supporters! I can't say "Thank you" enough to those of you that have shown your support in one way or another! We truly do take a piece of you with us when we go to Haiti. Please show your support below with words of encouragement and/or prayers that I can share with our team. It may not seem like much to you but to us your support is golden!

Can you help with this one???
We are in need of small non-scented (Dove, Dial, etc) soaps for our hygiene kits. Simply washing your hands can make a huge difference in your health! We want to make sure that our Haitian families have the ability to continue their journey to better lives by leaving them with tools they can use. Never though you'd hear soap referred to as a tool before, huh? Well it is! As basic as it seems, simple soap can make a huge difference in your health! If you know of anyone that can donate soap, please let me know or you are welcome to mail it to Hamilton Mill Presbyterian Church. I'll even come pick it up to make it easier!

~ Genia Davis

Ways to give:

Mail check and/or words of positivity to:

Hamilton Mill Presbyterian Church
C/O: Haiti Fund - Genia Davis
5152 Braselton Hwy
Hoschton, GA 30548 


See the PayPal Giving Widget to the right! Your personal information is safe and secure. You can even donate anonymously!

Friday, May 3, 2013

What Is Your Name and Purpose?

A little over 2 years ago, my family found a new church home and returned to God’s family. We were happy as could be but I still felt that I had some unfinished business. I was working a full time job, spending plenty of time with my three children and husband, and had made some great friends within the church. Yet, something was still missing. I found myself searching for something to fill a void that I could not identify. In service one Sunday, it finally dawned on me!

The members from the previous Haiti Mission Group had just returned and I found myself drawn to their stories. The idea that I could make a difference to someone in the world (that I had never met) was one that I could not shake. For several months, I wrestled with why I really wanted to go to Haiti.
Was it simply to attempt to fill a void?
Was I attempting to use the opportunity to establish myself within the church?
Was I really only interested in the idea of travelling?
Once I was there, what would I do?

Finally, the time came around to rally the troops for the next year’s mission trip. I mentioned to my husband that I had been unable to shake the urge to go but was unsure of how we would afford it, since I had recently been laid off of work. He insisted that I go to the informational meeting so that I would, at least, know what it was all about. My family waited for me until I got out of the meeting and when I came out, I felt that I had a true calling! In the days that followed, I could not stop thinking about it, so I had a serious discussion about it with my husband. Before I knew it, I was taking a huge step in faith! With no idea how to pay for it, I signed up to go on the next mission trip to Haiti!

For the next month, we scrounged up about $450 of the $1000 needed to go. Shortly after this, I got a job! After being hired on, I spoke with my new supervisor about my plans to go on this mission trip and she was incredibly supportive! With all systems “go”, we paid what money we had saved and I began the next steps as a team member. I worked with our organizer to establish a plan of action to assist two orphanages while we were in Haiti.

Then, a new development emerged! An anonymous sponsor had paid my balance! I was on my way to Haiti! In the coming weeks, I obtained my very first passport, received the appropriate vaccinations, and collected as many supplies as I could. Things would have been very difficult if it hadn’t been for an amazing supporter, which remains secretive to this day! Yet, I began to wonder if I was able to add any real value to the team. Was I really good enough?

A couple of Sundays before we left for Haiti, a very new (and very wise) Associate Pastor gave a sermon about Jesus’s resurrection and Mary Magdalene. He told of the moment when she laid eyes on Jesus and did not believe that he could be who he eluded to being. Then, he spoke her name and everything was clearer to her than it had been before. He ended the sermon by asking us two questions: “Do you know your name?” and “Do you know your purpose?” In that moment, an amazing calmness rushed over me and all I could think about was my huge amount of self-doubt in the upcoming mission. Yet, I was hopeful, refreshed, renewed, and confident as I sat in my seat with teary-eyed joy! For the first time in my life I could say that I knew may name and my purpose!

My name is Genia Davis and my God-given purpose is to help others to help themselves lead a quality life!!  

I will not accomplish this in one day or by myself. I may never receive a letter of thanksgiving. However, I will help to plant the seeds of faith, hope, education, health, and love, through God, as it has been demonstrated to me!

This is my testimony. This is my journey. I will never regret where I have been or how it came to be. God paved the way for me to fulfill His plans, through His means, and I won’t let Him down! I didn’t understand why so many unfortunate situations seemed to find me in my life however; I now know that I don’t have to understand it for it to have a purpose.

Will you help me, and others like me, to plant those seeds? Any support is welcome and please feel free to comment below. Thank you for your time! God bless!

~ Genia Davis

Ways to give:

Mail check and/or words of positivity to:

Hamilton Mill Presbyterian Church
C/O: Haiti Fund - Genia Davis
5152 Braselton Hwy
Hoschton, GA 30548 


See the PayPal Giving Widget to the right! Your personal information is safe and secure. You can even donate anonymously!

Contact me at for more information!

As always, thank you for your support!!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

It Takes A Village

It's been a little while since my last blog. For those of you that have been checking, I do apologize. However, I have been busy! Last weekend, our Youth Group participated in World Vision's 30 Hour Famine! I was an Organizer and Leader and all I can say is WOW!! We have some of the most compassionate young minds in the world! If I had the strength and courage to be even half as compassionate as they are, when I was their age, I would be a very different person today! We were able to raise over $1100 dollars! With $1 being enough to feed and care for a child for a day, you do the math. Amazing right?! 

 These amazing young people know how to be compassionate, caring, giving, loving, and kind because God placed great examples before them. Each of them has someone in their life that makes them want something better for others.

"I want to go to Haiti because in sixth grade I found out that an older guy in my youth group went and I heard him talk about how amazing and life-changing of an experience it was. This year is the first year that my parents consider me old enough to go, and the recent death of that person makes me feel like God is calling me to go and see for myself what changed his life so that by changing other lives, my life can be changed as well." - Emma

"I have been wanting to go on another mission trip since the second I came home after my first in 2009. We were doing an awesome bible study, Experiencing God, and all I could feel was a huge calling to go serve! I am living such a blessed life and I want to pour out the love and hope that Christ instills in me every day to the Haitians." - Lauren

"I am SO blessed to live the life I live. Even though some people wouldn't agree, I love my life and wouldn't change a thing. And to spend at least one week of my life helping others that weren't as blessed as me, would mean the world to me." - Anna

"...the strong will of God, the 'push' I felt to go was incredible I wanted to put every fiber of my being into Gods plan and be there for those people! I know its God who makes me want to help these people so badly, that is why I am so willing throw myself into His plans. I want nothing more than to please my God and right now I know this is what He wants of me." - Katie

See what I mean? It's the society, the people that we choose to surround ourselves with that help us to open our eyes to God's calling. He not only commanded us to help our fellow man, he instilled a true yearning to fulfill it!

I grew up in a less than desirable situation and I whole-heartedly believe that I have the beautiful life I live, because of the people that chose to listen to the calling that God gave them. So many people saw the need in my family, and in me, and they stepped up! Today, I am "paying it forward" and planting the seeds of opportunity for others.  

During this year's trip to Haiti, we will be conducting VBS!! I have been asked to help organize and I am so excited! In speaking with a good friend of mine about how excited the children get when they see themselves in digital photos, she noted that most of them may have no idea what they look like. Most mirrors are made of glass and I don't recall seeing any outside of the hospital we stayed in. Can you imagine having no idea what your own face looks like?! So, I am on a mission for a mission! We are currently looking to make shatterproof mirrors for the children. I would love to write something on them about being "beautifully made" to go along with the message that we are made in His image.  

We are also focused on getting the foundation of the new school in Momance setup, again. We are back at ground zero with this project since our materials were destroyed.  Once the school is completed, the children will have access to an education and the building will be used for church service, as well as Sunday School and VBS. This school is more than a building to our Haitian family. This building is an opportunity to grow in spirituality and knowledge. 

These projects aren't possible without the love and support of our "Village".   No matter how you choose to show your support, it will make a difference!! Every prayer, kind word, and/or dollar donated, allows us to fulfill the calling that God has given each of us! All that I can ask is that you look into your heart, say a prayer, and help us help others as you are comfortable doing. We are an extension of your kindness and we would never turn away your support. You can make a difference!! We will show you how!

Thank you for your time and attention! I know that there are a million other things going on in everyone's world these days. I really appreciate even a kind thought! God bless!!

~ Genia

Ways to give:

Mail check and/or words of positivity to:

Hamilton Mill Presbyterian Church
C/O: Haiti Fund - Genia Davis
5152 Braselton Hwy
Hoschton, GA 30548 


See the PayPal Giving Widget to the right! Your personal information is safe and secure. You can even donate anonymously!

Contact me at for more information!

As always, thank you for your support!!


Friday, April 12, 2013

Good Enough and Not Giving Up!

You can't make people care, or even pretend to care, about things that they aren't willing to let into their life. However, you can demonstrate to them how actively caring can change their life. I have found that many people choose not to allow themselves to care because they don't feel as though they are good enough. At some point, life has led them to believe that they are not good enough to make a difference. Now they find that trying to be a caring person leaves them feeling vulnerable. To some of you reading this, my statements are difficult to process. 

Why am I sharing this with you? Well, I was once a person afraid to care. The risk associated with opening myself up, to show that I cared, was debilitating. Things changed for me when God put a calling in my heart. He was constantly whispering to me that I was good enough! So, I stepped out in faith and haven't looked back yet.

Last year, I took that huge step in my faith. I dared to believe that I was good enough to help people in Haiti lead better lives. Money was tight because I had lost my job just a few months before making this decision yet, I managed to pay for half of the trip on my own. Then, a sponsor pushed for my first "big step" to be successful by funding the remaining balance! Before I knew it, I had a plane ticket for Haiti in my name!

Me and two of my dear team mates/family during a hike to a village in the mountains!

The trip was amazing! Haiti opened my eyes to so many aspects in life. The people are vibrant, loving, gracious, and proud. They live in hovels constructed of left over rubble, their health is fair (at best), and food is sparse. Everyone was grateful just for me to check their temperature. And there I was, wondering if I was good enough. I was good enough for them! This realization has had a steadfast hold on my heart yet, I thought I had to do this all on my own.
John was 13 years old and thrilled to show us how much english he knew!

This year, I almost gave up. This year, I learned that other people think I'm good enough as well! I am happy and grateful to report that my balance is paid in full!!! Haiti will have me the last week of June, this year! This was made possible by sponsors that have faith in me to be good enough for the people of Haiti! These sponsors will never know how much this means to me! Every moment I spend in Haiti will be done in the best possible way to represent the wonderful people that put me there!

The fundraising isn't over yet! I can't quit now! I am only one person and we need our team and building supplies. Momance, Haiti needs a school and it is a huge part of our mission to give it to them! Please help anyway you can. Even a $5 donation is helpful!

Thank you to my sponsors and to everyone for your continued love and support!

God Bless!

~ Genia

Ways to give:

Mail check and/or words of positivity to:

Hamilton Mill Presbyterian Church
C/O: Haiti Fund - Genia Davis
5152 Braselton Hwy
Hoschton, GA 30548 


See the PayPal Giving Widget to the right! Your personal information is safe and secure. You can even donate anonymously!

Contact me at for more information!

As always, thank you for your support!!