Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Program Worth Noting

It's been a little while since my last post but it's because I have something in my heart that is so difficult to put into words. This is especially true when I know that you cannot see my face or hear my voice to know how deeply I feel about this topic that I will soon post. 

In the mean time, I want to share this amazing program with you. While visiting in Haiti, we had the opportunity to meet up with a key representative of Children's Nutrition Program of Haiti. Along side this amazing group of people, we are able to share information and bring help to those that need it. They recently started a blog and I am thrilled to share it with you! CNP (Children's Nutrition Program) sees that Haiti's children are the future and they are compassionate about doing what they can to see that these children flourish. Below is a link to their blog. Please read, even one post, to see what good there is in the world! They post to be inspiring, not depressing, so don't worry about the guilt trip that so many people fear, where charities are concerned. There's nothing to lose and a new view of another part of the world to gain!

Thank you for reading!

~ Genia
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