Friday, February 1, 2013

What do you do as a Missionary in Haiti?

Me in one of the orphanages. It was HOT in there!

In our one week stay in Haiti, last September, our group visited 2 orphanages. During both visits, we collected medical data, such as each child's height and weight, and provided fluoride treatments and medication to help with a type of worm infestation that is common in Haiti. This information was given to the orphanage directors in the form of scales and percentages to help them obtain a better understanding of what the overall health was for their children. The most important work we performed in these orphanages, was not really work at all!! We played and colored and sang songs with the children! It's very uplifting to see them smile!

Mobile clinic being provided in a remote village.
Most of our time was spent in villages to provide a mobile medical clinic. Our medically trained members assessed each person that visited us. We saw several cases of hypertension which can be fatal when left untreated. Our group came prepared with several donated medicines and vitamins that helped us help others! A couple of very generous donations of Crocs,  provided shoes to two villages! In working with another group, we were able to perform a well dedication for a brand new well in Momance! In honor of this important occasion, we educated everyone on the importance of washing their hands and supplied them with bars of soap. The way they lined up, you would have thought that we were handing out money! It's amazing how the seemingly simple things, which we take for granted, can make so many so very happy!
Families lined up to receive their free soap at the well dedication!

In Momance, there was a need for a school. The children there understand that without an education, they will be unable to find work that will pay them enough to support their families. Only about 50% of Haiti's children will ever be enrolled in school. Of those, about half will graduate the 5th grade and of those students, less than 5% will graduate high school. With this understanding we have paired up with several other missionary groups to build a school in Momance! While we were there providing medical clinics, another part of our team created the layout and foundation of a new school! As you are reading this, one of our partnering groups is working to complete the school! With your help, I will be able to see this school completed and assist in the setup of the learning environment!!
The foundation of a new school is marked!

As you can see, we work very hard to help. Yes, it is easy to get discouraged but when you stop and think about the fact that you get to leave while they stay and try to merely survive, you find strength to carry on. You know that they can have a better life and you see that it is appreciated when they smile at you and hug you warmly!

Thank you, again, for reading!!
~ Genia

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