Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Operation Love The Children of Haiti

Children gather around to watch as fluoride treatments are performed.
Our mission trips aren't only focused on visiting Momance to build a school and performing mobile medical clinics in the Leogane area. We also visit orphanages to offer our assistance in collecting medical data and, of course, to play with all the awesome little ones! They are so joyous and beautiful! Last September, I had the extreme pleasure of visiting an orphanage run by Operation Love the Children of Haiti! I thought it was only appropriate to share them with you!

This amazing organization is headed-up by the most humble and giving woman I have ever met. Her name is Jasmin Martinson. She loves these children so deeply that she left the comfort of her home and family in Florida, for the less desirable location of Haiti, to ensure that the orphaned children of Haiti knew what it was to be loved and cared for. She and her husband, Greg Martinson, founded OLTCH in 2008 and have been dedicated to the children ever since. Children in her care receive daily meals and medical treatment, as well as an education, which is very difficult to come by elsewhere. Jasmin is very focused on preparing the children for brighter futures. Personally, I was amazed at how well the children understood English and could speak to us! This was all possible because of the love and dedication that Jasmin has shown to them. There were over 40 children in the orphanage the day of our visit and Jasmin could tell you all about each one of them! I have 3 children and often confuse them for one another! Imagine my astonishment!
Me holding one of OLTCH's angels.

Operation Love The Children of Haiti is also focused on helping children find their new homes. They assist in placing children with families that are called to adopt. You can visit their website to learn about how they are working to do good things in the lives of these children. 

OLTCH does depend on the kindness of volunteers. During our visit, our group obtained each child's height, weight, and head circumference to help them understand how the children were growing and help identify which ones may be at risk for other health concerns. We also provided fluoride treatments in an effort to help improve and protect their little teeth. Upon our departure, we left all of our documented information with Jasmin for other groups to reference and for her to keep on record. 

Visits like this are made possible by supporters, like you. This June, we will return to OLTCH to followup and offer our time and energy for any needs that we may be able to fulfill. All of the materials we bring with us are paid for by us or provided by donors. Will you help us do as much of God's good deeds as possible? Every little bit counts. Please see the Paypal widget to your right, to donate. Your information is 100% secure! 
Visit OLTCH!

Operation Love The Children of Haiti is in no way affiliated with this blog. Everything written above is from my own personal opinions and from information provided on their website. If you are interested in learning more about this beautiful organization, please visit them at!. You can even make donations to ensure that the meals and medical treatments continue!

Thank you for reading!!

~ Genia

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